【◎english translation: peng hsin-yi ◎photos by chang mian-mian翻譯社 tomoaki kuramoto】
hamasen, a district, is situated right next to the port of kaohsiung. it was previously a landfill. in taisho 9 (1920)翻譯社 after eight years of arduous work, it was transformed. back in those days, japanese businessmen would leave the train station and head over to shinhamachou yichichomei where "hifumitei ryotei" was located. hifumitei ryotei managed to weather the air raids in wwii and government campaigns to demolish old neighborhoods. in 2014翻譯社 hifumitei ryotei still continues to operate on the second floor of what is now over a century-old building, near the mass rapid transit station on guyuan street.
"in the past, the secret to a coffee shop's success was, 'location翻譯社 location翻譯社 location,' but now it is more important to be unique". these days翻譯社 it is considered rather chic to remodel old houses. mr. yao believes it is important to maintain the building's essence and unveil its unique history. by doing this, each old house will have its own unique story to share with visitors.
before he ran a coffee shop, mr. yao was a teacher of an afterschool program. although, from the outside, it appears that mr. yao made a really drastic jump in becoming a coffee house owner; however, he did in fact graduate from the national kaohsiung university of hospitality and tourism and went on to earn an mba in switzerland. combined with his passion for literature and history, he brings a unique aesthetic. he was indeed the perfect person to breathe new life into hifumitei ryotei.
【◎文/張棉棉 ◎攝影/張棉棉、倉本知明】
other coffee shops also have unique atmosphere in kaohsiung including hsiaoti cafe, apartment cafe and cafe strada, which provide a homey and relaxed environment. mr. yao advises that in order to run a coffee shop, the owner must first have a clear, unique vision, which contributes to positive change. he feels his business has cultivated a distinct culture in kaohsiung while still attracting tourists. he believes his coffee shop is very refined and reflects the very essence of this vigorous city.
in 2012翻譯社 mr. yao ming-wei, former owner of hifumitei ryotei, found out this building was up for demolition. teaming up with the takao renaissance association, he rallied the local residents to protest. it was then that mr. yao found a new purpose for the building and opened a coffee house. in september 2015, it was finally confirmed the building was not going to be turned into a parking lot. he then sold the business to his old schoolmate and owner of apartment cafe.
而他也決定承接這間老屋,實現一向以來的夢想─開咖啡廳翻譯直到客歲九月,在確認「一二三亭」能繼續保存後,將經營權轉給往日同學─「公寓咖啡」的老闆,回身尋求下一個胡想。一二三亭」內部陳列 賦予這棟老屋新生命的,是「書店喫茶翻譯一二三亭」的前任老闆─姚銘偉師長教師。一二三亭」內部陳設"> 2012年,哈瑪星富貴不再,但幣串依然苦守著。 老房子的宿世今生 periodically翻譯社 he holds seminars. a variety of speakers have been through. this he feels reflects the coffee shop's roots翻譯社 where historically young people would gather to exchange ideologies or even discuss revolution. "i love it; everyone can come here to share ideas." mr. yao certainly created a truly unique coffee shop whilst he was its owner. 1920年,大正九年。位於高雄港旁、填海完成八年的哈瑪星正要進天黑晚翻譯剛出站的日本商人提著皮箱,轉進新濱町一丁目標「一二三亭」。來自九州的藝妓推開拉門,透著燈光觥籌交錯。燈光照不到的天花板頂上,上棟典禮時神官加持過的幣串,靜靜在暗中中守護、祈求房子與屋內的人一切安好翻譯 the two most important decisions he made when he first opened the coffee shop were to restore the building to its original architecture and remove the ceiling to expose the original wooden beams. he believed these elements would be essential in bringing out the building's true character. "i also put my collection of old photos on display翻譯社 which i feel depicts the local history," mr. yao explains. in english翻譯社 the name can be translated as, "bookstore cafe". "hamasen was a college town and therefore it should have a proper bookstore". mr. yao then installed bookshelves along the walls and filled them with books from his own collection and books donated from local publishing houses. this he feels was the very essence of what he had envisioned for his coffee shop. 給下一個咖啡館老闆的備忘錄 咖啡地圖、文化藍圖 而我看著他撐傘步行在哈瑪星的背影,起頭等候他正在准備中、歲尾將出刊的雜誌會有何種靈魂。 咖啡廳之前,他的正職是補習班老師。他也按期約請各界好友來舉行講座,基進側翼、史明、田中實加,時間若倒轉個幾十年,這裡儼然就是有幻想的青年們,謀害討論革命的神秘基地翻譯「我很喜好這種感受,各人堆積在咖啡廳會商思惟。」這是姚銘偉身為東主店東期間,付與這間店的魂靈。開店之初他便決定了兩件事:還原老屋原貌以顯現它的個性、和找到「一二三亭」的魂靈翻譯從日本運來符合大正、昭和期間的家具,拆開天花板、讓九十年的木造屋頂袒露出來─「因為華頓翻譯社有保藏老照片的習慣,知道該怎麼展現這間房子的歷史。」魂靈則是來自「書店喫茶」這個新名字,「哈瑪星是個大學城,為什麼沒有書店?」於是沿著牆面架起了大書櫥,跟出書社合作、也擺出本身的藏書,客人只要在書架前一站,就會讀懂這間咖啡廳的靈魂。 經營者灌注此中的魂靈,培養一間讓人一去再去的咖啡廳─「小堤咖啡」天然而然的氛圍、「公寓咖啡」家的感受,還有文青咖啡廳前驅的「步道咖啡館」,串聯出姚銘偉的高雄市咖啡地圖。「開咖啡廳的人必需有一個願景,期望這間店能帶給高雄一些改變。」翻譯出了捷運站轉進鼓元街,房子在九重葛的環繞劣等在那裡。而本來「一二三亭」這個宿世的名字旁,加上「書店喫茶」四個字,這就是百大哥屋的今生了。
以下文章來自: https://udn.com/news/story/6967/1766233有關翻譯的問題歡迎諮詢華頓翻譯社